Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So I was walking along Queen West after work and I thought I saw a cat but it turned out to be a raccoon. A raccoon! On Queen West! At Five! In the daylight! I thought that was so rare. It was more brown than gray and had a frizzled tail. It was tiny too! I followed it around to take a picture but it kept sticking its bum at the lens. It tried to climb over the fence but couldn't and then it got stuck while trying to get to the otherside through a hole. Sadly, it went into a playground but the kids were all screaming "the raccoon is back!" so maybe they're all friends.

After following the raccoon to the dead end, I went to My Market Bakery to buy a box of cookies. They're super cool and they're called "Mini Happy Friends Cookies" and I can't help but smile when I ask for them. They must think I'm 12. They're super good and not very gingerbready, which is great. It was soft compared to the usual hardness of gingerbreads. They come in cool, cool characters too! Today I got Minnie Mouse, Pink Blues Clue (?), NINJA TURTLE! and Kermit. Usually they have Arthur, Batman, Spiderman and Harry potter. I always miss out on Batman. I must say, their heads are rather hard and very sweet. I ate half of a kermit on Yonge and I put the other half on the floor. I hope something happy eats it. I went to Eatons afterwards to give one to Mandy but I was attacked by the girl she hates and assman. I couldn't find anyone else so I went home!

I couldn't find many people at home (or at home and online) to give cookies to so I ate like 4. The heads are hard to eat so I left it in grass for someone to find. Brought the pink dog to Sammy and I got a nice frozen-strawberry-popsicle-fruit bar thing but it melted way too fast. We went to Samantha's to drop off a Ninja turtle cookie but she was out. So I shoved it into her mail slot, which is oddly enough, like the 3rd time I have shoved something into her mail slot. There were so many left over and I couldn't find anymore people so I ate 3 more today while at work...except for the heads. I have one full kermit and two heads left. Ohh...

The weather was nice today. Not too hot and not too chilly.


Anonymous said...

omg! that raccoon is SO SKINNY compared to normal fat raccoons that live on my roof and make noises at night like it's a hot dance party. it should stop watching ANTM and eat some tasty garbage! THAT FROG IS SO CUTE!! i want frog.. scary dog scares me.. i couldn't fall asleep much last night AGAIN! it's going to be another rough day :(

Garon said...

I haven't had a good sleep because of thoughts of evil things

Anonymous said...

very nice flower photos, makes me sneezy just looking at it! That pink blues clues dog...(magenta I think?) kinda looks like a pig. That ninja turtle broke his arm, poor thing.

Raccoons are pretty crazy, we usually don't put out our garbage until the morning because they usually end up trashing the place. But one day we discovered our garbage trashed inside our garage! It was weird since all our garage doors were closed, so it either has magic powers or hides very well. That raccoon above does look thin though, so it either is very agile and works out, or its too nice to mess up someone's garbage and eat it. Or it just sucks at finding food.

yay to no verification! I always found some of the letters hard to make out.

Anonymous said...

Sammy says he thinks blue is a girl but then that doesn't explain Magenta unless they're "just friends" like Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson

Anonymous said...

holy crap your site it awesome. Ninja turtle gingerbread cookies?? Discovered your blog from Blue Lotus,glad to have found you.

Anonymous said...

I have raccoons in my backyard.

They like going through the garbage and getting in the bins even when the lids are tied with extension cords.
One popped up the fence at day time when I was sitting on my porch. It kinda freaked me out cause I thought it was a monster... it was pretty fat, man.

And damn I want some awesome gingerbread cookies/men/copyright infringement characters!

Unknown said...

so i got bored and decided to see miss universe stuff and in 1988 a lady named porntip won. i don't want to work. i wonder if they're going to call. hopefully not. sitting is fun.

Garon said...

I remember my angry raccoon moments a few weeks back. My mom made some kind of crazy contraption for the green bin to prevent them from knocking it over. Its rather interesting. I should take a picture!