Monday, May 26, 2008

free sub day

I didn't do much today so I will just rant and talk about useless crap.

Today I found a coupon in my cereal for a free sub at Quiznos, but it will expire this week! So I went downtown to claim my sub. I went to the two Quiznos on yonge (one near college and one near adelaide) but they were not 'participating' in the promotion. I knew the location in the Eaton's food court accepted them, but I don't like eating in the food-court environment. Its weird, I know..I also don't like to sit next to walls when I eat. I'm a crazy. So I got a steakhouse beef dip. It was okay. While I was eating, two tall guys with video cameras came over and asked what I first think of when they say "McDonalds." I said fastfood, what would you have said? Its whack I hope I don't end up in some Japanese McDonalds Porn.

I want the Nike+Sportsband! It does what the Nike+iPod does but does not play music for obvious reasons and is simply aesthetically pleasing. Maybe I like the design more than its purpose but the reviews have been very see-sawed. Its about $55-60, but I haven't seen it in stores yet. Me wants.

rant@school library:
I don't understand how people can bring food and drinks to the library computers. There are signs at each desk clearly stating "NO CELLPHONES, NO FOOD, NO DRINKS (INCLUDING WATER)." Wait, I'll even take a picture of it. Okay, so you're talking to someone on the cellphone in loud mandarin (is there such a thing as a dialect of Chinese that doesn't sound like you're yelling?) and you clearly do not respect the quiet aspect of a library ambiance. If this setting were to be anything like a set of an American television show, then an uptight librarian in a white blouse, a respectably coloured skirt that goes above her hips and glasses will tap you on the shoulder to give you the cold, hard "SHHHH!" you deserve. Okay, its not that bad but maybe I am jealous that I do not understand why your conversation is so laugh-out-loud funny. I only understand "MAYO...MAYO..! MAYO-AH! HA!HA!HA!" assuming the last bit is just laughter. I wish I knew mandarin or grasped Cantonese better to top their conversations.

Occasionally, I would spend countless hours in front of one of these computer terminal cubicles studying or scanning useless Japanese band photos with plans to gain internet points (85% of the stuff I scan never leave the computer because I am so damn lazy). Like a human, I would get thirsty and occasionally take sips from my bottle of water in great fear and suspicion. Many times I actually walk away from my station to only spend a few seconds drinking in the lobby in fears that my computer might be stolen by someone. But that's okay, right? It's bottled and I quickly shove it back into my bag anyways, but you...YOU are drinking BUBBLE TEA. It looks like a simulated mango flavour, extra large bubble tea. Whaaaat? Not only is it uncapped but you just leave it where it could easily be knocked over and if that did happen, you'd probably just walk away. Not to mention you're at the digital media computers! You're on the only handful of computers that are loaded with programs like photoshop and that come equipped with scanners and YOU'RE ON FACEBOOK PLAYING GAMES WHILE DRINKING YOUR BUBBLE TEA.

blog edits:
a bunch of people are complaining about not remembering what my blog is about when they go to comment (it sure says a lot about my blogs, though! haaaa) so I made them pop up. In the old commenting system (but not in the new) you can click the "view original post" to drop down the actual blog post. Yey.


Anonymous said...

mm was quiznos good i should try it. i went to eat sushi with my uncle for lunch today (he works at a bank nearby apparently) at crispy roll but it wasn't tasty :( it was pricey too and you get like half of what you get with sushi delight lunch boxes for twice the price.i want bubble tea! mm jasmine bubble tea! mayo mayo ah. ASIMO makes me so happy. i wish i had a robot friend.. sort of.. kinda scary i guess.. i guess i want to make a robot more.

Garon said...

try Quiznos! its toasty toasty melty cheese! QUIZNOS! mmm, Sushi. mmm, Crunchy Sushi.