Monday, May 26, 2008

free burger day

Yesterday was free burger day at Harvey's and Shirley and I went for our burger! Met a semi friendly but very itchy cat on the way. Cats on Shirley's street are usually a lot more friendly it seems. A lot more itchy than I remember it, too! We went to the location near the beaches and probably spent 1 minute in line. It was awesome. The burger tasted so much better than what I usually get at Harvey's. They say it tastes better when its free. It was probably because they had to continuously chuck out the burgers. Kind of ironic in the sense that this makes the 'sample burger' taste better than what it usually would be. They had dozens lined up when we got there and the service was fast! Everyone was very friendly too, a little bit too friendly if I may say. Forcibly friendly, even...but I guess fake friendly is always better than real annoyance (?). It would be nice if Harvey's is able to win over purchase loyalty in the oversaturated business of fastfood. I mean, we have Wendy's, Burger King and the McDonalds and I would say BK and McD would be the most populous around here!

After enjoying our delicious burgers, we headed downtown. We stopped by St. Lawrence Market and they had a sketchy open market. Lots of random old goods and oddly enough, Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags? There was a random table in the middle of the place that had a SNES for $60 and a bunch of comic books and records. Lots of interesting things to be seen but they were closing when we arrived. Pictures: Snoopy phone, pies 50% tarts!, old Christian pendants, Russian dolls and creep doll heads. Creeepy.

I like the new Coldplay song, which is also being used for an iTunes ad featuring the band themselves. Pretty flashy like the mac wallpapers! The song is nice, I like the instrumentals.

Coldplay - Viva la Vida


Anonymous said...

those dolls scare me. i wonder is someone watching me surf. but it's lunch so i guess it's ok. i bought my book, but i found an html/css/xhtml book at work too, so maybe i should've saved money and just borrowed it. once again i forgot what else is on tis blog post.

Anonymous said...

Those heads are spooky.

Ugh, *headache*

Anonymous said...

Those doll heads are nearly as creepy as masks! I think you see a lot of cats because they want you to help them find birds.

Garon said...

I keep finding dead birds and more recently, dead squirrels. A lot of times I'd see a fluff randomly and would stare at it and realize its half of a bird. That's so sad. Why am I so inclined to find things like that? I'm not even good at those magic-eye pattern things where you see a dolphin in a sea of patterns. Le sigh.

What creepy masks?